HOME – Introducing IBM Randori© in Canada

Introducing IBM Randori© in Canada

See your attack surface like an attacker

To know where attackers will strike, you first need to know how they view your attack surface. IBM® Security Randori Recon provides continuous asset discovery and issue prioritization from an attacker’s perspective.

With cloud migrations, shadow IT, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A), your perimeter is constantly changing. These changes represent windows of opportunities for attackers. Discover them with Randori Recon—no installation or configuration required.

Just like real threat actors, Randori Recon continuously monitors your external attack surface, uncovering blind spots, misconfigurations and process failures that would otherwise be missed. Using a black-box approach, Randori finds the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and cloud assets that others miss.


Key use cases

Attack surface discovery

Shadow IT

Vulnerability prioritization

M&A risk

Attacks in the news

Key benefits

Discover your unknowns

View your perimeter like an attacker to expose misconfigurations and process failures. No installation required.

Prioritize your findings

Pinpoint an attacker’s top targets with our patent-pending model built on hacker logic.

Reduce your attack surface

Stay a step ahead of shadow IT, M&A, and unexpected change. Alerts inform you of new risks as they arise.

How Randori Recon works

Enter email

Low-friction setup only requires an email address to get started

Discover attack surface

Searches internet to discover, associate and identify internet-facing assets

Prioritize findings

Emulates adversary to automatically score and prioritize the most tempting targets for attack

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    "Randori has changed the conversations I am able to have with the executive team. Having a rich and continuous external assessment of our attack surface has enabled me to make attack surface risk a company-level metric."
    Douglas Graham
    Chief Trust Officer – Lionbridge